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My Fitness Journey (Post COVID-19) Plus 5 At-Home Exercises!

Friday, May 1, 2020

If you're like me, COVID-19 has probably made you completely unmotivated and inactive. It's been what? Like two months and honestly at this point, I feel you... I was feeling the same. But I just couldn't take it anymore!

I realized that in fact there is no better time than right now to be as productive as possible... I told myself that I was going to continue to chase my goals that I had set for myself before this world-wide Pandemic! And for my readers, I'm here to tell you to the same thing I told myself. Rather your goal is starting that business venture or wanting to eat healthier, or even fitness related like myself... you got this! Don't let this pandemic distract you or discourage you! Take advantage of this downtime and seize this opportunity.

Before COVID-19 completely interrupted my life, I was actually working out and trying to get back into my fitness routine. I had renewed my membership at Orange Theory Fitness and even got my roommate to join so I would have a workout partner. I literally tried to make sure that I didn't have any excuse whatsoever to prevent me from working out. To be honest, I just knew that I was going to be ready to show off all my hard work just in time for the summer! Well, I hate to say it, but I was wrong. After my gym eventually closed, I had found myself not working out at all! I tried to continue to be motivated and still went hard for about two weeks after the gym closure, but it didn't last long.

I don't know when or where, but I had completely stopped working out all in all. It was kind of like one day I just woke up and I was like "man forget it, we're on lockdown anyway." It wasn't like I could go anywhere to show off my hot summer-bod and I knew there were other people out there just like me who were in fact not working out and were just eating their boredom away.  It kind of felt like my motivation or my "why" wasn't there anymore. 

I finally decided to stop making excuses for myself... 

I think for me, it took looking into the mirror to actually find my "why" again... or it was the day I went to put on a crop top and I couldn't wear it because of my FUPA... I can't really remember, but I recall both of those times being very dramatic but motivational at the same time. And no, I'm not calling myself fat, I, in fact, don't think I'm fat at all, but I do envision myself looking a certain way and that's just that.. period.

SO... I decided that next week, which is a start to a new month, I am going to start back with my fitness journey and I am going to blog about it. With this go-round, I am going to also start eating healthier as well. My main concern is my abdominal area... I want a flat stomach! But if I am being realistic with myself, I can't continue to eat whatever I want and achieve my goal. So I will be cutting out carbs and sweets. I guess we can call it a "low-carb" diet.

My goal is to try this diet out for two weeks at a minimum. I am excited to see results, but I know this going to be a challenge... I love Bundt Cakes and bread too much! After my two weeks are up I plan on writing another post about my progress so far! I can't wait... check back with me to see my results!

Surprise, you don't need workout equipment to workout at home!

Here are 5 ab workouts you can do right in your living room: 

leg lifts

1.  Leg lifts
  • For this workout, you want to lie on your back with your hands on each side of your body. (Option) If you would like support, you can place your hands underneath your butt. Start by slowly lifting your legs from the ground towards your face. Stop when they and vertical and then bring them back parallel to the ground.
  • With this exercise you want to focus on keeping a slow steady pace... really squeeze your core when you are pulling your legs up.


2. Plank
  • You can perform planks in various ways. Place your forearms on the ground and bring your body parallel with the ground. You want to make sure that your body is as aligned as possible. Extend your legs behind you with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold this position for an extended period. Focus on squeezing core.

flutter kicks

3. Flutter Kicks
  • Lie on your back with your arms placed on your side. (Option) Place your hands under your butt for support. Lift your legs 45 degrees off the floor while also lifting your head from the ground.
  • Alternate kicking legs off the ground, making sure to keep legs close together. Focus on squeezing core.

bicycle crunches

4. Bicycle Crunches
  • Lie with you back on the ground with your face up. Place your knees at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on your head with your elbows pointed by your sides.
  • Bring your left elbow to your right knee while simultaneously straightening your left leg. Alternate this step with the other side. Focus on performing this exercise slowly while squeezing your core.

mountain climbers

5. Mountain Climbers

  • Start in plank position with hands flat on the floor, making sure your shoulders, back, and butt are all aligned.
  • Draw your knee to your chest and return back to the floor, alternating legs. Focus on engaging your core throughout the entire exercise. The quicker you perform this exercise the higher your HR will increase.


  1. Get it girl!! I believe in you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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