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Tips on Having a Roommate

Friday, July 24, 2020

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I am so happy to announce that I will be moving into a new apartment this October, BY MYSELF!
While this isn't my first apartment, it's the first time that I will be living by myself! I'm so excited ya'll... I'm so over the whole roommate thing guys, honestly! And I love my current roommate now dearly, but I've learned over the past couple years that I live better alone, within my own personal space (I've had so many roommates especially with being in the Air Force). Over the years, I've learned that I'm a neat freak, and I simply just like things the way I like them. I'm the type to go to the kitchen and go grab that bowl and the bowl better be exactly where I put it... or my life (and yours) will be in shambles because why in the hell is the bowl not where I put it last...

Soooo, if you're thinking about rooming with someone, because yes things are much cheaper when you go that route, I have some tips or things you should consider before signing that lease with someone.


Ten out of ten, I highly don't recommend that you room with someone who you know little to nothing about. So, yes that means don't be going to craigslist or Facebook marketplace because yes, people post inquiries for roommates on there as well, searching for someone who is in need of a roommate. Everyone has different living standards/ conditions, so think about why would you want to live with someone who you know nothing about. You don't know if they steal, you don't know the type of people they hang with, or if they do drugs, or if they're a pedophile... you catch my drift! Like yeah no, just don't do this.


I would say this is the biggest lesson that I have learned throughout my fair share of roommates. Before anyone moves into anywhere, there needs to be expectations that are set from the both of you guys. This is a great way of being proactive because this right here will stop a lot of potential conflicts or disagreements. When establishing these rules and boundaries make sure that your roommate has an understanding and mutually agrees to your "conditions." If the person doesn't then you pretty much already know that it most likely isn't going to work out and you should just search for another candidate.


Communication is KEY when it comes to rooming with someone. This as well as establishing rules and boundaries kind of goes hand in hand. We as a human species are not mind readers! Your roommate cannot tell that you're mad at them or you don't like it when they leave dirty dishes in the sink. There was an instance when I would buy groceries and my roommate at the time would happily help themselves to the things that I bought. This went on awhile because naturally, I am not a confrontational person, but I was finally fed-up and said something and learned that we were not on the same page. Thinking about it, I could have saved so much time and redirected my energy elsewhere if I would have just communicated and told them how I felt. And hey you don't have to be mean about it or rude when saying it, which goes into my next tip...


Have some respect guys. This doesn't just mean when communicating, but also in terms of cleanliness, and common courtesy things. You and your roommate aren't going to have the same sleep schedule, so don't be blasting loud music when your roommate is sleeping or banging pots and pans together at 2 am... And be fucking clean, like ewww, I just get so upset thinking about people who can just live in filth. If you guys share common areas or the same bathroom, clean up after yourself. Like nobody wants to feel like your mom or fucking maid... this isn't the bad girls club.


Now this necessarily might not be the case for guys as I don't typically hear any stories about guys falling out of rooming situations... this one is primarily for females. I have heard so many stories of best-friends rooming with each other fresh-out of high school in college and them not necessarily being the best of friends anymore. Keep this in mind, just because they are a great friend, that doesn't mean that they will be a great roommate. If you genuinely cherish that friendship, I would think about is it worth jeopardizing because everyone has their own habits and you may necessarily not like them.

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